Shout Out to Our Supporting Authors
Supporting our Authors that support us
Thank you for visiting this page! Here, Shelly Books and More, takes the time to give a HUGE SHOUT OUT to our supporting authors.
Without support our endeavors would not be at all possible, therefore, we say, "Thank You Authors. We are very grateful for your interviews, and or reading of poems on our show, aired on WHPR FM 88.1, every other Tuesday @ 4pm-5pm Eastern Time. Whether read by you, or Shelly Books and More, we are grateful for your creativity. Thank You!"
If visiting this page please consider supporting our authors by purchasing their book by either downloading or purchasing physical copy. Here, they truly deserve it, as they are helping to support us, which in turns supports our children in the expression of their creativity.
Authors in the order from our most recent show. Also, please take notice to asterisk mark, as that is an indicator of an author under the age of 18.
Next show airs, Tuesday June 8th 4pm-5pm Eastern Time
Links available soon!
May 25th Show
Willie Lynch, Amazon, Willie Lynch, The Making of a Slave
Stephani R. Bridges, Amazon, That's The Story of My Life
Deon'te, Call in Poetry Reading: Mask, and President Pumpkin Patch
May 11th Show
*Jada Lee Cochran and Candice J Limitless, Amazon, JADA'S LIMITLESS POWER WORDS
Nattie O'Sheggzy, Amazon, Random Imaginations
Stephanie R. Bridges, Amazon, That's The Story of My Life
Poem reading submitted by: Oscar
Tribute to Mother's Day Poem, More Than A Mother, Author Unknown
Music by: Douis Vuitton, Do It Well
*Beats by: DJ Yung Steven
April 27th Show
H.I. Yates,, Dissolving the Anchor: Untethering Dysphoria and Self-Doubt to Create an Empowered Life.
Jasmine Mitchell, Book to be announced
Jania Shaw, Amazon, Without Peace, I have no purpose, and Love Me, Love Me Not
March 30th Show
Carl Porten, Amazon, A Poet's Reverie
Pratik Bhatia, Amazon, Muse: Poems Unveil Emotions
Sharice Williams, Amazon, She Fell In Love With the Finer Things
March 16th Show
*Emersyn Rhyelle, Amazon, When Daddy's Not Here,
Chyrel J. Jackson, Amazon, Different Sides of the Same Coin: A Collection of Poems
Alexis Wyatt, Amazon, 31 Affirmations to a Brown Child
*Eris Aubrie Busey, Amazon, Dad Gone
March 2nd Show
Jessica Marie Smith, Amazon, Anthology Hope in the Hood
Jody Obrien, Facebook, Horseback Healing and Prophesy Poetry Series
Leena Mustafa, Amazon, Life morals by
Deven Tellis, Amazon, WHO'S TO SAY...?
Chyrel J, Jackson, Amazon, Different Sides of the Same Coin: A Collection of Poems
Tracy Chizoba Fletcher, Amazon, FEMININE SHADES